welcome to mobizent
mobizent is one of the most successful providers of end-to-end hardware and software mobility solutions in the US. Our solutions encompass multiple industry front-end applications with web based user interfaces to custom designed back-office databases. Our mobility solutions come with interfaces exclusively designed for phones and handhelds. We use open standards for flexible and hassle-free integration of components for self-contained processing. We specialize in developing wireless handheld solutions that are complete, and integrated your applications with either our back-office or your current back-office. While our solutions' will match your business processes, they will also offer a secure and reliable communication platform over a wide range of wireless media.

Mobile Biometrics Solutions
Fully integrated mobile biometric solutions for Government Base or Commercial Office Entry. Includes full FAP-30 solutions integrated with smart card reading specifically for TWIC, CAC and PIV cards, but can also read new biometric based credit cards.

Customized e-Citation Solutions
Provides unique e-Ticket, citation, violation solutions for not only police departments but for any organization such as environmental control, santiation and Taxi. We will customize our off-the-shelf products to meet your violation needs for mobile solutions in the field.

Manage your Tasks in the Field with ease
Builds work order solutions for not only Government Housing Authorities, but can customize our work order and inspection applications for any organization, commercial or government that needs to manage mobile workers tasks in the field.

Mobichk – multi-mode biometrics
Delivering multi-configurations of biometric solutions for Federal, State and Local Governments. These unique solutions can be used for simple single fingerprint matching on the device or matching against AFIS, as well as more complicated solutions involving reading TWIC, CAC and PIV smart cards to match against different certificate based solutions.
TicketWorks – configurable mobile e-citations
mobizent’s mobile ticketing/citation/violation application, provides government organizations the ability to issue citations efficiently, effectively while eliminating errors and entry duplication.
TicketWorks is a cost-effective solution that reduces the amount of time spent by allowing officers to scan/swipe Drivers Licenses to capture all the subject information, scan registrations to capture all Vehicle Information and select relevant information from a pre-populated list of violations.

WorkOrderWorks – Managing your workers
Mobizent's mobile property management tracking system, is used by city governments and companies to issue and track completion of Work Orders efficiently. An android based solution that automates work order issuance and remediation in the field to allow public housing properties to be made available more quickly, and allow property managers to track workers, inventory and tasks completed.
Our industries
mobizent provides end-to-end handheld and phone based mobility solutions for many Industries for both the Federal, State & Local Governments as well as Commercial customers. Our dominate industries include, Public Safety, Public Housing, Homeless, Environmental, Transparency, Sanitation and Manufacturing. mobizent has a proven track record in developing, customizing and implementing a broad range of phone and handheld solutions in these industries. While most mobility providers focus on a single component of the solution, our comprehensive solutions include the front-end, back-office, devices, servers and complete integration with your existing applications. We also build true mobile applications and not just forced webpages on to a mobile device.

Our Services
Designing, Building and Installing a mobile solution is not easy in today’s ever changing set of platforms. That’s why mobizent™ offers a full range of support and service to help get your mobile business up and running quickly and operating efficiently over the long-term.
Because mobizent™ total focus is on building quality mobile applications we are not distracted by other priorities. Our mobility development expertise concentrates solely on ensuring that this critical part of your mobile business runs as reliably and efficiently as possible.
Recent News

Recent Connect-ID Event
Mobizent attended the recent Connect-ID Event and displayed it’s new product Called mobichk II. Mobizents pr...
BETA version of MobichkII
Mobizent has completed it’s BETA version of MobichkII. It has gone into production and will be Ready for del...
Android enforcement
Mobile's Team is in full swing building The NYC T&LC new Android enforcement Application. Our Program Mana...
Mobiconnect product
Mobiconnect, mobizent’s WiFi adapter is currently in test at SJPD. This test will certify that the Mobiconne...